To All Readers Of The Courier , Greetings to all readers, it's Joe here. Well, I guess it's actually "Mr. Summers" to you, but don't you see? That's the thing! You don't even know the real me! Or my town, for that matter! Things have gotten so ridiculous; as the leader of Summers Coal Co., I should be one of the most respected and wealthiest men in the country! And I was! Until a couple of weeks ago, at least... But let me back up a bit. Basically, around 10 years ago, when my coal company had still only barely gotten off the ground, I was stuck in my hometown, a tiny village from the South. And, for those wondering, I was an exceptional citizen! I performed my civic duties 110% of the time! People respected me so much, I was even appointed as the master of the Lottery! Which, of course, is where this mess started... By now, I'm sure most of you know what a Lottery is. You've read all the stories and seen all the headlines: "MR. SUMMERS...